Principal's Message

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Principal's Message

“Success comes to those who work hard and stays with those who do not rest on the laurels of the past”.

Dashmesh Public School stands tall since its raising as one of the leading schools in this region. With a rich legacy of over 22 years, the school epitomizes for its vibrancy, academic excellence and values. It aims to provide holistic learning environment for the all round development of personality of its students and moulding them as future citizens to become useful members of society. In line with the school mission the school ensures that the students are deeply rooted to our culture and heritage at the same time. The students are also equipped with the latest trends in education and learning strategies.

The school offers a myriad of scholastic and Non-Scholastic activities spread over the entire academic year giving every child an opportunity to participate and excel.

In consonance with its aims and objectives the school has been providing a conducive environment to bring out the best in each child. I also take this opportunity to express my gratitude for unstinted support of the Management Members, Parents and dedication of all staff members in the seamless functioning of the school. I am also confident that all of us join hands and strive hard in taking the school to greater heights
